In this post, I'll walk you through building a web scraper in Ruby on Rails. I'm assuming an intermediate skill level with Rails.
you can a completed version of this project here
π NEW Patreon: π Subscribe For More Ruby Videos:π. Weβre going to build a job board scraper in Ruby on Rails that will automatically run once per day, hosted on the free tier of Heroku. Assuming you have Rails installed, create a new rails app and cd into its root directory. $ rails new scraper-2020-03 $ cd scraper-2020-03/ Then modify Gemfile, where ruby dependencies are set. Victor Rak, Middle Ruby on Rails developer Table of Contents Show Web scraping is a popular method New content will be added above the current area of focus upon selectionVictor Rak, Middle Ruby on Rails developer Table of Contents Show Web scraping is a popular method of automatically collecting the information from different websites.
- IMDB providing its own api to get the movie details you can use that, this article is a web scraping example. We will get the movie rating, number of rating, name and many more, for this we use BeautifulSoup and Requests packages.
- Updates, Insights, Announcements and everything related to Flutterwave. Want updates straight to your inbox? Enter your email to get the latest news from the Flutterwave team, and knowledge you need to build a profitable business.
This application can be used to scrape job postings.
- ruby-2.1.1
- rails 4.1.1
- local instance of postgresql
Create new rails project
rails new jobscraper -d postgresql
Install gems
bundle install
Create Database
postgres -D /usr/local/pgsql/data
rake db:create
Create 'Job' Resource
rails g scaffold job title:string location:string link:text haveapplied:boolean company:string interested:boolean referred:string
Use scaffold generator to get .json API for free
rake db:migrate
Add Active Admin
Web Scraper Extension Chrome
add these lines to your Gemfile
rubygem 'devise'gem 'activeadmin', github: 'gregbell/active_admin'
and run
bundle install
Install ActiveAdmin
rails g active_admin:install
Register Jobs with ActiveAdmin
rails generate active_admin:resource job
Customize ActiveAdmin Jobs View
Add Rake Task
rails generate task jobs fetch prune clean
If you run rake -T
you can see these tasks are registered with rake.rake jobs:clean # Delete all jobsrake jobs:fetch # Fill database with Job listingsrake jobs:prune # Delete Jobs that are older than 7 days
Rails Web Scraper
Write custom nokogiri scripts to populate ActiveRecord attributes.