Rails Web Scraper

In this post, I'll walk you through building a web scraper in Ruby on Rails. I'm assuming an intermediate skill level with Rails.

  1. Web Scraper Extension Chrome
  2. Rails Web Scraper

you can a completed version of this project here

πŸ‘‰ NEW Patreon: πŸ‘‰ Subscribe For More Ruby Videos: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCkoEStUK7wxmZef2DcPuCAQ?subconfirmation=1πŸ‘‰. We’re going to build a job board scraper in Ruby on Rails that will automatically run once per day, hosted on the free tier of Heroku. Assuming you have Rails installed, create a new rails app and cd into its root directory. $ rails new scraper-2020-03 $ cd scraper-2020-03/ Then modify Gemfile, where ruby dependencies are set. Victor Rak, Middle Ruby on Rails developer Table of Contents Show Web scraping is a popular method New content will be added above the current area of focus upon selectionVictor Rak, Middle Ruby on Rails developer Table of Contents Show Web scraping is a popular method of automatically collecting the information from different websites.

  1. IMDB providing its own api to get the movie details you can use that, this article is a web scraping example. We will get the movie rating, number of rating, name and many more, for this we use BeautifulSoup and Requests packages.
  2. Updates, Insights, Announcements and everything related to Flutterwave. Want updates straight to your inbox? Enter your email to get the latest news from the Flutterwave team, and knowledge you need to build a profitable business.

This application can be used to scrape job postings.


  • ruby-2.1.1
  • rails 4.1.1
  • local instance of postgresql

Create new rails project

rails new jobscraper -d postgresql

Install gems

bundle install

Open source web scraper

Create Database

postgres -D /usr/local/pgsql/data

rake db:create

Create 'Job' Resource

rails g scaffold job title:string location:string link:text haveapplied:boolean company:string interested:boolean referred:string

Use scaffold generator to get .json API for free

rake db:migrate

Add Active Admin

Web Scraper Extension Chrome

add these lines to your Gemfilerubygem 'devise'gem 'activeadmin', github: 'gregbell/active_admin'and run

bundle install

Install ActiveAdmin

rails g active_admin:install

Register Jobs with ActiveAdmin

rails generate active_admin:resource job

Customize ActiveAdmin Jobs View

Add Rake Task

rails generate task jobs fetch prune clean

If you run rake -T you can see these tasks are registered with rake.rake jobs:clean # Delete all jobsrake jobs:fetch # Fill database with Job listingsrake jobs:prune # Delete Jobs that are older than 7 days

Rails Web Scraper

Write custom nokogiri scripts to populate ActiveRecord attributes.